Saving lives through curbside haiku












According to the New York Times city blog, NYC has introduced new roadside signs altering pedestrians and cyclists to some of the dangers of these modes of transportation.  The signs are bright and graphic and include little haiku poems.

On the face of it, the signs help to make a grim message slightly more palatable.  Yes, peds and cyclists should watch what they’re doing.  But more importantly, shouldn’t cars be paying more attention?  I’m curious about what strategies (if any) the city is taking to educate drivers.  For example, in BC, the Victoria Cycling Coalition was involved in revising the driver’s education manual to include information about cycling (e.g. share the road).

Then again, in Ontario, the Chief Coroner is investigating pedestrian and cycling deaths in Toronto.  And federal MP Olivia Chow has introduced a new Bill that attempts to provide greater protections for cyclists.  Clearly this is an important issue right now….and maybe the education of peds and cyclists (through poetry!)  is as good a strategy as any!

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